Step 1 : Login into your server using RDP using Administrator login details .
Step 2 : Open Information Services (IIS) Manager.
Step 3: Select the required server and open the Server Certificates option .
Step 4 : On the right hand side options , Click on the Create Certificates Request button .
Step 5 : Enter all the required information for the CSR and then click on next .
Step 5 : Choose the bit length to 2048 and go to next .
Step 6 : Choose the location on which you want to save your CSR and click on Finish .
CSR TXT file has been generated .
Step 8 : Download Validation File from SSL panel .
Step 9 : After getting the validation file .
1.1 Submit that file on the given location:- C:\inetpub\wwwroot and create a folder with name
“.well known.” as shown in figure . (ignore and just open if its already present)
1.2 Now , create the folder on pki-validation in .well-known.
1.3 Submit the validation file in pki-validation file .
2.1 : Open the LInk attached on the mail and verify that it is working or not .
Step 10 : Download the certificate from SSL panel.
Step 11: After receiving the certificate , Submit the SSL certificate .
11.1 : Completion on certificate ,
Step 11.1 : Open the IIS and Server manager and click on the Complete Certificates Request .
Step 11.2 : Add the certificate and fill all the details and click on ok to complete the request .
Step 11.3 : Certificate has been Completely submitted .
Step 12 : Bind the certificate and add domains .
12.1: Open bindings options in default web sites. As shown in the below screenshot .
12.2 : After opening the bindings , Click on add to add the domains for the SSL .
12.3 : Choose Type , IP , port and SSL certificate and then click on OK
SSL has been successfully installed on the domain , Please verify through URL .