Step:- 1. Install 3.5 version using server manager.
(i) Open server manager click on server manager button.
(ii) Click on Add roles and features.
(iii) Select .NET framework 3.5 Features and install.
Click on next.
(v) When you will get below message in screenshot close and exit the server manager installation wizard.
Step:- 2. For download SQL express edition 2012 setup click click here and save it on your server.
Step: 3. When setup will download on your server. Double click on the setup file and extract them .
Step:- 4. Click on “New SQL stand-alone installation or add features in existing installation”.
Step:- 5. Select terms and policy and click on next.
Step 6 : Click on checkbox if you want microsoft updates to check the updates and then click on next .
Step:- 7. Select features which you want to install in SQL database and defined installation directory and click on next.
Step:- 8 Enter instance name and id of SQL database server.
Step 9 : Click on Next for default server configuration .
Step 10 : Select mixed mode enter sa user password of sql database server.
And click on next to start the installation .
Step 11 : When you will get the message below means sql installation is completed.
Now SQL server 2014 has been installed successfully .